Fruit of the Spirit
Memory Verse: But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law against this,”
Nothing is more important than learning to walk in the fruit of the spirit. God shows us who’s Love looks like... it is so clear we just have to follow it!! We can all say that we have the fruit of the spirit, BUT we need to walk in it!!! It is when people look at some and say, “oh they walk in love.” “Oh, they have so much self-control.”When people see it… in you as a person is when you know you are walking in the fruit of the spirit.
The apostle Paul wrote this
Lesson 1
What comes to mind when you think about love? Allow answers.Let us be honest we are not always the best at showing love to our close ones. Like your sisters or brothers if you have any or your mom, dad, and grandparents. Living in the fruit of the spirit is done and starts first with those who are closer to you
Let us think how we can show love to those who are closest to you.Someone in your family or friend needs you when they are having a tough time, or they just want you to be by them when they are in a good moment of life.
Or I can just be having so much fun together with your friends and family!
Craft & Games
3yrs- 1st: coloring
2nd-4th: the game is called fruit basket. In this game, depending on how many kids there are. Example apple orange banana and kid will have a seat except for one that will be standing in the middle. They will call fruit fruit that fruit has has to stand and find another seat. (Note, they cannot be next to each other. They have to cross the circle or good or some that is not right next to them.)
Stand in the middle to get a seat, whoever does not have a seat in the middle and the process. The child in the middle does have a choice to say fruit basket fruit basket is where all the kids stand up and then we have to scramble around to find another seat and just repeat the process single fruit or fruit basket.
Thursday 1
Theme Night fruit Ninja
(competition best dressed fruit ninja)
Love: Grape Herder
This activity has a point: God wants us to love everyone as he loves his lost sheep.
Activity: Choose one player for this game. Have the player stand in front of a bucket, and hand
them a bunch of grapes. The player has 60 seconds to get all the grapes, one at a time, from the bunch into the bucket. If any of them miss, they can pick them up and put them back in the bucket, but they must get all the grapes into the bucket before time runs out to win a prize. Have kids go against each other or even race a teacher 2 bucket/A bunch of grapes
Lesson 2
Joy: Romans 12:12
Can anyone tell me what they think joy means? Allow answers
Well, guess what? God calls to LIVE IN JOY!! Many people think joy means the same thing as happiness, but it does not.
It is so important for us to remember the kind of joy God call to is different from being happy all the time.
Get this you may still be joyful and have a difficult day is not that crazy, but I also think it is super amazing. how do you think that is? IT’S A CHOICE YOU CHOOSE TO BE JOYFUL IN A BAD DAY!
The kind of joy God wants us to hold on to is the peace in knowing that he has everything in control
How can you find joy today, even if you are feeling sad? What are the blessings around you that remind you of God’s care and love for you? Take some time to make a list of the things that bring you joy today. Share them aloud with your family!
3yr-1st: coloring page
2nd-4th: Guess the order of the fruit (if correct they get a candy) make 2 stations
Thursday 2
Football Jersey Night
Activity: Joy: Football Bowling
Items Needed: A set of bowling pins (can be plastic, or you can use empty 2-liters), A football
Instructions: Choose two players for this game. Set up the pins 15-20 feet from the players. Each player will get two tosses to knock down as many pins as they can. If they get a strike, they get two more tosses. If they get a spare, they get one more toss, just as in bowling. Add up the scores according to bowling rules, and the winner gets a prize.
Variation: If it is too risky to toss the football, have the players roll it like a bowling ball.
What is the Point? Happiness can get knocked down by a bad circumstance, just like the bowling pins. Joy is everlasting and can endure difficult circumstances.
Lesson 3
Peace: Colossians 3:15
What do you think it means to be at peace? To let the peace of Christ “rule in our hearts”? To be a peacemaker?
Do you have people in your life to remind you that God cares for you when you are worried or afraid? It’s a parent, friend, sibling, teacher, or leader from your church.
The most exciting thing about this fruit of the Spirit is that we do not just get to experience it, but we can share it, too. As others remind us about the peace of Christ when we need it, we can also become the friend who reminds others about peace!
As Jesus followers, wherever we see something that causes fear or worry, we can be a part of bringing peace. You see, peace is not just something we feel… it is something we are. If you are feeling worried or afraid, talk about it with a grown-up who you trust. Ask them to help you remember that God always takes care of us.
Pray and ask God to help you let the peace of Christ rule in your heart.
3yrs-1st: fruit loop/candy necklace
2nd-4th: Peace: Return of the Orange
Items needed: Two oranges, cut into their many wedges, Plastic wrap, a table, a basket
Instructions: Choose two players for this game. Set the basket between them. Give each player some plastic wrap and a completely dismantled orange. The two players will race to see who can reassemble their orange completely, wrapping it in plastic wrap after they put it back together. The first person to reassemble their orange, wrap it, and set it in the basket wins.
Variation: To add some extra excitement, set the basket for placing the finished oranges on the other side of the room from the players and the table.
What is the Point? God wants us to share peace with others.
Thursday 3
LW Kids Thanksgiving
Potluck style
Lesson 4
Patience: Galatians 6:9 encourages us to keep doing what is right and not give up on doing good, because in the right time GOD’s TIME we will see His goodness if we just keep going.
Have you ever had to wait for something that you really wanted right now? You’ve eagerly waited for a birthday party for your best friend. Or Christmas break could not come soon enough!
To be patient means to wait and endure with grace and peace, even when something takes a long time to come. In the Bible, there are so many stories of people who waited patiently on God. Over and over, God reminds His children that His timing is different than our timing. And He reminds us that He sees us and hears us in our waiting.
2nd-4th: Patience: Wait for it!
Items Needed: Two baseball caps and two baseballs
Instructions: Choose two players for this game. Set the baseball caps on the floor about 5 feet away from the players. Give them each a ball and tell them that when you say go, they will compete to see who can get their baseball to land in their hat first. Remind them they must wait until you say “GO!” Give them a “Ready…. Set….” Then pause. Keep pausing. Milk it. Let them get tense waiting. Keep reminding them to “Wait for it… Wait for it…” Finally, when you cannot stand it any longer, say, “Go!” Ask them how frustrating it was having to wait for the game to start and if it was hard to have patience.
Variation: Any quick competition like this will do in place of throwing baseballs. The idea is to make them wait for the start, giving them another illustration about patience.
What is the point? Patience comes from trusting God.