Every week in this years VBS we will use the same worship and memory verse Thursdays will be small review with an activity while Sundays will be a full on lesson with water games and fun

Every Sunday please bring

  • Swimsuit

  • Towel

  • Sunblock

“Whenever I’m afraid, I put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3

memory verse



Each obstacle will have a  different actions like “hop on one foot,” “twirl around,” or “jump high.” It will be written out so when the team member gets to the next obstacle they will read what they have to do next

The child has to perform each action as they move up the obstacle.

This game not only encourage to have fun but also helps children remember the concept of Jacob to trust God to go with us. 

-build a cup tower(God keeps his promises)

-Donut ladder (stairway to heaven)

Craft: Jacob’s Pillow Craft

(Decorate Fabric bags)

 Provide the children with fabric markers and a small pillowcase or cloth. Have them draw or write things which remind them of God’s promises.

Small Group review questions:

 what message that God may have had for you today?

Who do you think the perfect staircase for us to fix our relationship with God? (Who did he send?)

Go over how God Promised Jacob’s family would be many as  grain of dust

Think you can count grains of sand? Impossible right?!?

Snack:graham cracker/pb/marshmallow/fruit roll up/nilla waffers

Drinks: water

God Goes with Jacob (Genesis 28:10-22) 

Focus: Trust God to go with us

(Rudy’s mini about a dream he had camping out) 

Start the lesson by asking the child if they can remember a dream they have had before. If yes, ask them to share one of their dreams. After they have shared their dream, share one of your dreams with them. 

To prepare for the story of Jacob’s dream at Bethel, remind your child that Jacob was Isaac’s son, and Abraham’s grandson. Jacob tricked his brother Esau. This made Esau very angry, so Jacob had to run away from home. On his journey, Jacob was alone and scared. That’s when God spoke to him in a dream.

Summarize the story Of Jacob’s dream

Explanation of scripture: Explain that the stair way in Jacob’s dream was a sign of God’s constant connection with us and how he is with us. 

Lesson 1

Lesson Video 1

Thursday 1

Squeeze onto Jesus for he is there for you

Theme scene Camp Picnic theme (out doors)

5 minute max  review of Sunday 



Wet opponent split into teams (blue/red)

Snack: lemonade watermelon slushes (lemons/watermelon/raw honey/salt)

Lesson 2

Ruth Chooses to Go (Ruth 1)

Focus:Trust God to lead the way

Lesson Video 2

(Rudy’s mini hiking trusting the directions and not taking a diff route) 

Remind the child that God can use difficult times to take us to a better place. If possible, take a trip to a hill. Climb the hill together. Point out how it might seem like the path is long or steep. When you reach the top, point out how far you can see and share a special treat together as you look at the view. Explain how sometimes the path might seem hard, but the reward is worth it.

Craft: Wood painting  

Small group review

  1. How was, God, faithful to, Ruth, and, Naomi? (Answer: By knowing their needs and fulfilling them).

  2. Was, God, ever not with, Ruth, and, Naomi? (Answer: God was with Ruthand Naomi the whole time, even when they didn’t know it. In the same way God is always with you!)

  3. How has, God, been faithful to you?

Activity: water obstacles blind folded leader/follower obstacle

Snacks: Hot Dog (Buns/hotdogs/mayo/ketchup/mustard)/ Drinks:Mini gatorades

Thursday 2

Movie time 

Theme scene: outdoor  theater ( bring a sleeping bag)

Sherbert floats (mix in a punch  bowl sherbet ice cream/7up)

Ham/turkey/cheese/grape kabobs 



Young Jesus Shares Wisdom (Luke 2:41-52)

Focus: Trust God to share Wisdom

(Rudy mini group of campers fighting who knows more- visual measuring each kid and then explaining just like you will still grow How else do we grow? We grow in how much we learn and how much we know. We grow in our understanding of God and Jesus. We grow in the way we get along with other people)

Small group: 

 As Jesus grew, he continued to develop mentally (wisdom), physically (stature), socially (favour with men), and spiritually (favour with God.) We should also grow in these areas.

  1. How old was Jesus when his parents travelled with him to the temple? Twelve

  2. What city was the temple in? Jerusalem

3.What are the four ways that Jesus grew? 1) Physically, 2) in wisdom-mentally, 3) in knowledge about God-spiritually, 4) in getting along with other people-socially

4. How is your attitude like/unlike Jesus when you hear God’s Word taught?

5.What are you doing to grow in wisdom of God’s Word?

6. How can your growing understanding of God’s Word help you in your daily life?

7. Who can you share the Good News with this week?



Snack: fruit bowls

(Cut up watermelon/oranges/strawberries/grapes(debranched)/tajin)

Drink: Caprisuns


Theme scene-  Race down by the bay 

Activity: team vs team  Human Ring toss/beach ball relay/squirt gun water race

Snack: mini pizza Buns (pepperoni/marinara sauce/mozzarella cheese)

Lesson 4

Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)

Focus: Trust God to Give Us Piece

What you will need:

Card Stock

Markers or Crayons

Fish or Butterfly Stickers (Optional)

7/8" Blue and Purple Ribbon




How to make a Bible Wind Sock Craft:

1. Before class print out the pattern or have your 

2.Cut up pieces of ribbon into twelve-inch lengths.

3. In class have the children color the picture and add stickers. When they are done with their pictures have them glue or tape ribbon across the length of the bottom.

4. Staple the sides together to make at tube.

5. Staple yarn or ribbon at the top to hang the wind sock.

Activity : 

Little/middles: pool noodle race - obstacle 

olders: Crab Soccer 



  • Each person on each team is assigned a number 1-12 or however many you have on a team

  • When your number is called, you face off with the opponent with the same number

  • Teammates can help but can not make the goal (getting the ball across a line)

  • All of this is done by walking on hands and feet – like a crab

Snack: Nacho bowls (chips/cheese/ ground beef/ sour cream or crema/ pickled jalapeños/ corn/tomatoes/lettuce)

Thursday 4

Thursday Night.

Theme scene: : Boating/sailing 

Jesus Calms the Storm Parachute Game

You will need a parachute or a large sheet and a toy boat. Set the boat in the middle of the parachute/sheet and let the kids hold on to the edges. Let them take turns saying “storm” and having everyone shake the parachute/sheet and then “peace” and everyone is calm and sets it down. 

There’s a Storm Coming Game

Have all the kids lie down in different spots in the room and pretend to be “sleeping”. One person is chosen to go around the room and try to wake up the others one by one, without touching them. They can tell jokes or move close to them, but they cannot touch them. Once the “sleeping” person has moved or opened their eyes they have to get up and join the person waking others up, until everyone has been “woken up”. 

Snack: Jello boats (jello cups/oranges )